
Here at Catholic Notes, our Mission is to provide music ministers free resources and educational tools to better serve Christ at their local parishes.

Meet our Catholic Notes Team!

Michelle, Executive Director

Michelle Perrier has been active serving Christ through the Catholic Church for over twenty years as a director, liturgist, composer, cantor, and pianist, working primarily in the states of Washington, Arizona, Minnesota, and Maryland. She is also a performer and takes joy in sharing God’s gift of music with everyone she can. She has a Bachelor of Music and a Master of Music in Voice Performance from the University of Arizona and a Certificate of Catholic Theology from the University of Notre Dame STEP Program. (photo by Stephan Ainley)

Ava, cantor and violinist

Eva from Catholic Notes, cantor and violinist

Ava started playing the violin at age 5 and has been playing and singing ever since. She is currently studying voice and violin at the University of Mary in Bismark. She enjoys serving her parish as a cantor and violinist. Aside from music, her hobbies include running, hurdling, backpacking, and enjoying God’s beautiful creation in many other ways!

Erica, Cantor and Cellist

Erica, cantor and cellist, Catholic Notes

Erica is from Columbia, MO and is a recent graduate of the University of Notre Dame. She currently works at Kerry Ingredients as a Process Engineer, helping to optimize the production of natural food preservatives. Erica enjoys playing the cello and piano, singing, and discovering new music. Many of her favorite memories stem from participation in liturgical choirs, as making music in vibrant communities of faith has been a source of joy in her life.

Fiona, Cantor

Fiona is a home-schooled junior who enjoys the great outdoors, singing, and performing in local theater productions. She loves how prayer can take such a beautiful form as music. Currently her greatest interests in school are deaf communications and becoming an American Sign Language interpreter. 

David, Technical Administrator

Although David primarily works as a high school teacher, he spends much of his free time at his parish as an altar server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lector, and sacristan. He also dabbles in web design and video editing.

Join our Team!

With so many musical techniques and types of sacred music, we’d love to expand our team to include other music ministers across the country. If you are interested in sharing your talents, please reach out using the “Contact Us” page. We look forward to talking more with you!